Saturday, April 24, 2010

A day's worth of thought.

This whole insurance thing is really bothering me. I figured since I might have a fight on my hands I have been educating my self on the specifics of the procedures (DIEP, SGAP) I want and how they are different than the free TRAM that I'm sure "their" doctor can do. I will probably have to call and ask some questions. I really want to talk to Marybeth and try to figure out the best way to move forward.

Arguments for my PS
  1. He works as a team with my chosen BS.
  2. He has done hundreds of the muscle sparing procedures. (Important as there are muscular issues as a result of a previous triplet pg.
  3. He offers the nipple sparing procedure (If I'm a candidate)
  4. Timing.... I'm one month into this, surgery date scheduled, family plans made and in progress. Cancer is stressful enough I really don't need to spend my energy on them.
  5. Dr. Misner incident. - Unauthorized doctor calling for information. (Where did it come from?) HIPPA Violation.

I'm going to go into work late. I need to make some phone calls and try to get this settled so I can relax.

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