Monday, June 28, 2010
6 Weeks
I just don't feel prepared for this appointment. When I met with the BS and the PS, I had read so much on what I was in for and the was clear and I had a handle on it. There are so many forms and types of ways chemo can go that I really can't do much until I meet with the doctor and get an idea as to the direction of treatment. Between that and the up coming OOPH, I'm not sure what to be prepared for.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sorry for the Break
Well here I am 5 weeks later and I have to say I'm having better days and than those not so much better days. There was a period of time about 3 to 4 weeks in that my chest just hurt. It was all I could do was sit there and hold my boobs. Thankfully those times are getting further and further apart. Unfortunately not a day goes by where I am not completely aware of my boobs and how they are feeling today. This past sunday was a good day. I sat and relaxed by the lake and really was not aware of much more than my stomach. (The mesh the PS placed in there still feels a bit weird but he said it, like my new breasts would also take getting some adjusting to). I even managed to get my kitchen cleaned out and a few other odds and ends done. I paid for it today.
Its a feeling that is hard to describe. Maybe its like wearing a bra that is a bit snug. Problem being that I'm not wearing anything but a cotton cami and there is nothing to remove. (BTW Love those simple cotton cami's They are comfortable to sleep in and to wear underneath cothing that would otherwise be very uncomfortable.) The other thing I'm still having issues with is sleeping. I'm a side sleeper and I just have not been able to get comfortable. I still can't sleep flat on my back so I have a few pillows piled up. Of course over the course of the night I slip down and then wake up. I try to sleep on my side but I need a pillow for the front to help support and one behind me to keep me from falling back.
I know its only temporary and one day I won't even think about it. I just wish It would get here sooner than later. I meet with an oncologist on tues. I'm a bit curious to see what she has to say. Of course nothing with me is ever clear cut. My BS Might want me to see a radiologist as well. I was really hoping to avoid radiation but the margin to some DCIS that they found was a bit closer than she would normally like to see. I should get a copy of the Pathology report tomorrow so I can start to get some research done before I meet with the Oncologist. Hopefully my next post won't be so long in coming.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Copied from my cancer board
I have to say those first two days were absolute HE** but since I've been home, I am so much happier. The drains were a real pain but with them gone I'm Free! The only other major issue I ran into was the ps said not to worry two much about undies under the yoga pants. Now I'm NOT a commando type gal by any means but I did as he asked. Well I ended up with the worst chafing and diaper type rash. I haven't had desitin in the house in years but DH went to the store and got me some and as long as I was home either alone or with DH I just let it all hang out and am now feeling so much better.
The kids bickering is a bit tiring but we are working on it. They have discovered that mommy will take absolutely no nonsense right now or they will not be happy with the outcomes. DH goes back to work next week after being off for two. My Mil plans on coming again next week to help in the am although I will try to see if I can get my self up and going and getting the kids out the door. but at least she should be here for back up. The one thing I haven't tried yet has been walking the puppy.
So after the doc appointments, my DH took me shopping to kohls. I needed to figure out something to wear. I have spent the past 20 something years in jeans and t shirts and right now jeans are not very appealing to try to put on. So I came home with 4 new dresses, (In addition to one I had packed away years ago and never thought I would fit into again.) I am just in such shock that I am actually going to where dresses again. I have always had to much tummy to get away with them. Of course my thunder thighs are still there but hopefully i will be able to do something about that when I can get back to exercises class. I have had a few breakdowns, usually when I think about my mom and what she must have been feeling. I'm sad that she isn't here to be with me but I do know that she is with me in here spirit.